Saturday, February 14, 2015

When the natural inclination is to take

It's Valentines Day and while images of pink and red hearts meet the eye everywhere you look, my mind is thinking about a different kind of heart today. The heart in servant-hearted. Come to find out that's not even a word. But it is in my vocabulary. And it's something I very much want my kids to grasp. That in a world where the natural inclination is to take, I want them to give. I want them to be generous, to have an open hand and to be thinking of others more than themselves. It's quite uncanny how unnatural this really is. And maybe its just me but I feel like this world is becoming more and more self orientated.

My sister in law, who works as a volunteer coordinator for a non-profit that helps people who have reached rock bottom shares that finding volunteers in my age demographic (age 30-45) is the hardest. Her most faithful volunteer core are the elderly, but their capacity is more limited and many of them are passing on. And then high school and college students. And yes we can argue that maybe these people have more time on their hands that we do. But, let's be honest, we find plenty of time to do the things we care about. And maybe it's time to care a little more about those who need it.

                                                      Maybe  it's time to have a heart?

Last week in my blog on the power of role models I spoke of our kids needing good role models. And so I find myself thinking that if I really want my children to care about giving more than taking, then I need to make sure that I am modeling that for them.

It's been far too long since we volunteered our time at a local soup kitchen. And yet my kids still remember the fun it was decorating cookies one afternoon for Saturday's Bread, engaging afterwards in conversation with the guests as they waited in line. Each ones' clothing and facial lines telling a story that did not need much imagination to figure out.  A story probably not too unlike Jessica's from my recent blogpost.  And in those 10 minutes engaging in conversation (many of whom we just
shared a hello and warm smile with) opened the door for much discussion on the car ride home. We had just been studying the Great Depression, but no words in a history book could have helped my kids grasp the reality of hardship as much as those 3 hours did that Saturday afternoon.

And so I find myself thankful that today on this Valentines Day, with the luxury of time on our vacation, we get to join my sister in law at her dining hall to help feed 300-500 hungry guests, starving for both food and love and we get to pass out the ever so cute cards and cookies my kids have been lovingly making.

Here's to embracing the heart of servant-hearted.

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

  "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20)

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