Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm finally blogging

So it's only taken me this long to figure out how to blog. But here I am. Hi blogger world :-) What's in the name? Well I am at heart a Mamma from Namibia. And trek? Well it's one of those Namibian words that American's actually know, albeit they relate it more to Star Trek than anything else. But it works :-)

So what does this Mamma have to share today?

Well we have just gotten through our first week back at school after a LONG break. And honestly it's been a dream week. We all actually missed school. And my kids were eager to get back. Especially after reading an amazing book called "Johnny Tremain" over our break which wet our appetite for the American History period we are currently studying - life just prior to the American Revolution when America decided just a few hundred years before Namibia did that they were done being ruled by the British.

Enjoy these photos of our first week back which captures life as a homeschooling family. Just  slightly different to my experience as a kid growing up in Namibia. How many differences do you notice?

Zach's favorite breakfast - yogurt parfait with fresh strawberries and some whipped cream    (and yes it's only been the coldest week in Boston's history.)

Daliya has been learning to knit, here during her recess break she is working on a gift for someone very special.

Lunch at MacDonald's as a reward for a good day of school where we were done by 1pm

It's a hot chocolate kinda morning

History this week - how New Amsterdam became New York and how the Indians found themselves having traded their land for a few pots and pans. 



Multitasking. Monopoly and listening to a great book series called "All of a kind family" of a Jewish family with 5 girls who live in New York City at the turn of the century

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