Monday, August 24, 2015

Smith Family Values

  Smith Family Values

*     A vital growing relationship with God, living a life            
      pleasing to Him, and maintaining fellowship with
      His people.

*     Choosing to be thankful in all circumstances.

*     Valuing people over money, character over
     reputation, pleasing God over pleasing others.

*     Cultivating a life of humility, servanthood,
     patience, kindness, honesty, courage, and

*     Living a modest life materially and being
     generous with our money, possessions and time,
     considering others needs above our own.

*     Practicing hospitality keeping an open home,
     welcoming guests no matter the inconvenience.

*     A loving, joyful, secure, and encouraging home,
     where we prioritize family and faith over friends
     and activities.

*    Living at peace with one another, never
     harboring anger, committed to being reconciled,
     always asking forgiveness, and extending grace
     when wronged.

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